Case studies

Heavy industry

1. 12. 2023

Maintenance Processes – Z-GROUP

Maintenance Processes MOTIVATION Z-GROUP is a successful continuation of the long tradition of metallurgical and iron and steel companies in the Czech Republic. The production plant Železárny […]
1. 12. 2023

Information Systems in Maintenance – Škoda Transportation

Information Systems in Maintenance MOTIVATION ŠKODA TRANSPORTATION is one of the largest manufacturers of rolling stock in the world. The company not only designs and manufactures […]
5. 5. 2023

Production Optimization – AL INVEST

Production Optimization motivation AL INVEST Břidličná, a.s. is one of the prominent aluminum processing companies in the Czech Republic. The company was struggling with a long delivery […]
18. 5. 2021

Logistics Strategy for Production at AL INVEST

Logistics Strategy for Production MOTIVATION AL INVEST Břidličná, a.s., a renowned aluminium processor in the Czech Republic, struggled with low logistics productivity, excessive inventories, and significant material […]
2. 1. 2020

Spare Parts Management – UNIPETROL

Spare Parts Management MOTIVATION The refining and petrochemical company Unipetrol has decided to take a drastic step towards optimizing its inventory of materials and spare parts. The […]

Je i ve vašem dodavatelském řetězci co zlepšovat?

Trápí vás ušlý zisk, nízká marže či vysoké náklady? Chcete zefektivnit využití vašich zdrojů a optimalizovat procesy, ale nevíte, kde začít? Potřebujete doporučení, jak efektivně investovat a vybudovat trvale udržitelný business? 

S tím vším umíme pomoci.