Inventory Optimization


Koší is one of the biggest on-line FMCG Czech market players. Koší was however struggling to set and maintain an optimal inventory management strategy, which led to an inefficient usage of warehouses and a big amount of expired goods ending up as waste every single day.

system of order automation


At Koší, Logio implemented the VERITICO STOCK software which has the ability to accurately and efficiently forecast demand. Logio also designed and implemented a number of changes focusing on a more efficient usage of warehouses. Last but not least, Logio managed to set up a system of order automation.


The availability of goods increased to 97%; at the same time, the waste reduction went up by 75 %. Customers get fresher, better goods; employees at Koší don´t have to spend as much time on order processing and they get to focus on improving customer satisfaction.


Increase in product availability