Stock Optimization


GGT company is 1 of 5 most significant Slovakian retail companies with a turnover over 500,000 EUR per year. With a network of over 800 branches managed through 14 regional centralized warehouses, the SW implementation was a big challenge. The goal was to optimize retail logistics with an emphasis on process automation and lowering the costs.

automatic forecast of the demand


Thanks to our VERITICO STOCK software, evolution of the demand is forecasted automatically based on the minimal yearly history and with other factors such as seasonality, promotions or unexpected changes in sales taken into consideration.


The increase in turnover by 5% was a significant benefit; such number represents around 25,000,000 EUR/year. All that with the current decrease in stock by 15%, which corresponds to the amount of about 1,000,000 EUR. Thanks to making the process more efficient, about 60% of time is being saved in the order creation process.

25 mil. eur

Increase in turnover after SW implementation