Carrier Rating


Elektrowin focuses on taking back electrical equipment. The transfer is demanded based on the arranged rate for the electro material ton collection. Because the rates grow higher everyday, we’ve been asked to analyze the real costs of the contractual carriers according to the realized collections and the mileage. We were also asked to confirm the real impact of tolls on the overall carrier costs.

simulation distribution model


Based on the historical data, we conducted a simulation distribution model which allowed us to set up the expected savings of the individual carriers. Thanks to that, we can analyze all parts of the costs, such as tolls. The year-on-year toll amount increase on the overall transportation costs was found out to be only 0,6%.


The resulting report provides the client with the basis for price negotiations with carriers and peer-to-peer comparisons between carriers. The simulations also included scenarios of exceptional closures of the targeted e-waste processors.

Data driven