We have been providing Business Intelligence services to our customers for almost two decades. We give context to data, save employee time and create data-driven companies. That’s why we have developed several products we offer separately alongside our standard BI services.

Business Intelligence
Being Data-Driven Has Never Been Easier
We’ll Show You How to Use Data
Using the best BI technology in the world, we enable you to have the right information in the right structure and right on time.
Manage Distribution Efficiently
Roadnet Transportation Suite
A suite of applications including tactical, operational and executive distribution management software tools.
Logio Automotive Forecasting
A Must-Have for Automotive Suppliers
Save Inventory and Your Time
LAFT is an operational and management tool that helps automotive suppliers better plan future production and input purchasing.
Logistics Concept
Step-By-Step Logistics
Don’t Leave Logistics to Lucky Chance
With our advanced methodology, we independently compare suitable technologies and processes and select the optimal option.
Would you like to achieve better results in your business?
Contact us!