Starting in October 2024

Are you a student or a junior? Do you want to be part of a community of supply chain enthusiasts and professionals? Are you looking for a place where you can test your knowledge and skills in practice under the guidance of the best in the industry?

If so, you’ve come to the right place!

What can you expect

From October 2024, you will have the opportunity to attend lectures led by global industry leaders. These will be followed by workshops where these experts will share their best practices and experiences. You’ll get a glimpse inside partner companies and get to places that are not commonly accessible to the public.

Learned facts are one thing, but actual practice is another. That’s why you’ll have the opportunity to try out problem solving on real cases we encounter with our customers. If you are studying and writing your bachelor’s or master’s thesis, we will be happy to provide you with interesting topics.

A variety of challenges await you. You will get the opportunity to engage your knowledge, skills and creativity. You will hone your hard and soft skills and move forward in your career. And as a bonus, you’ll make lots of valuable contacts.

When, where, what?

As part of Supply Chain Masters, we will hold one event per month, either at our Prague office or at participating companies.
And what will it look like by the end of this year?


1) October – Project Day at Logio (Prague – Dejvice)
2) November – Logio Conference (Prague – Karlín)
3) December – Customer Visit


We want to create a community that will connect professionals with juniors and be a place where experts will openly share their knowledge, know-how and best practices. We will create a space where we can draw inspiration together and strive to make efficient and comprehensive supply chain management the standard. Together, we will help prevent unnecessary waste and ultimately create a better environment for all of us.

At Logio, we have been helping companies solve complex Supply Chain Management challenges for twenty years. And we’re really good at it. For us, it’s not just a job, it’s our mission, and it’s one that gives us great meaning. Because how well the Supply Chain works affects everyone’s life on a virtually daily basis. See for yourself in our case studies – for example, we manage inventory at Albert or automate warehouses at Rohlik.

LOGIO values

Our intention is to build a community where there is open communication and a friendly atmosphere. Where together we will create creative and novel solutions, think out of the box and make our work together meaningful. At Logio, we sum these things up in three core values – usefulness, utility and enjoyment. 

It’s human nature to want to be useful. If our work is meaningful to us and we see it as useful to us and to the customer, we are fulfilling the content of our two values. And the third one kind of goes hand in hand. Because if you’re doing meaningful work in a company that’s useful to customers, and you’re surrounded by a good group, then it’s easy to enjoy it too.